Dillard, Scott. "All Will Be Well." Visionary: The Journal of Gay Spirit Visions 15.2 (2009): 7-8. Web.
Friman, Alice. "Primary Colors" and "The Way It Is Now." [Poems] Gettysburg Review 22.2 (2009): 233-34. Print.
---. "Permanent Press." Poem of the Day. Poetry Foundation. 20 Aug. 2009. Web. 1 Sept. 2009.
McElmurray, Karen. "Clutter." Dirt: The Quirks, Habits and Passions of Keeping House Ed. Mindy Lewis. Berkeley: Seal, 2009. 79-86. Print.
---. "Gazing: Writing from the Womb." Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir. Sue William Silverman. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2009. 163-8. Print.
---. "My Mother, Breathing." We All Live Downstream: Writings about Mountaintop Removal. Ed. Jason Howard. Louisville, KY: Motes, 2009. Print.
Torrey, William. "A Single Perfect Soul." [Short Story] The Hawaii Review (Fall 2009). Print.
Zipperer, Eddie. Jupiter Jones: Rockstar Vampire Hunter. Englewood, CO: Pioneer Drama, 2009. Print.
Callender, Craig. "Affricates and the High German Consonant Shift." Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference. Banff, Canada. 1 May 2009.
McElmurray, Karen. Reading and Workshop. Lincoln Memorial University Writers' Festival. Harrigate, TN. 13-15 June 2009.
---. Reading and Workshop. Kentucky Retreat for Women Writers, Kentucky Wesleyan College. Owensboro, KY. 19-21 June 2009.
---. Reading and Workshop. Carnegie Center for Writers. Lexington, KY. 26-28 June 2009.
---. Reading and Workshop. Appalachian Writers' Workshop. Hindman, KY. 26-31 July 2009.
---. Reading and Workshop. Appalachian Writers' Project. Haysi, VA. 21-24 July 2009.
Muschell, David. Crazy Day. Dir. Cameron Acosta. Center of the World Festival, Frazier Park, CA. 14-16 Aug. 2009.
Alice Friman served as the Final Judge for the 2009 Shenandoah/Glasgow Prize for Emerging Writers; she judged eight published first collections of poetry forwarded to her as finalists.
David Muschell's play And No Birds Sing was a finalist in the Arts Club of Washington's OneActOne Play Competition (Washington, DC., 15 Aug. 2009).
Eddie Zipperer's one act play "The Zeus Administration" won the McLaren Comedy Playwriting Festival.
Bruce Gentry thanks all the members of the Department of English and Rhetoric who helped edit and proofread vol. 7 (2009) of the Flannery O'Connor Review: Michael Nifong, Leah Norton, Park Parkison, and Josh Ruffin (whose names appear on the masthead), as well as Laura Newbern, John Sirmans, and Elaine Whitaker. This year’s volume includes both an article and a review by retired faculty member Sarah Gordon, cartoons by retired faculty member Jo King, and an interview with Miller Williams conducted by Bruce Gentry and Alice Friman. Gentry also is grateful to judges of the 2010 O'Connor Collection Fellowship applications: Megan Melancon, Laura Newbern, and Michael Nifong.