Georgia College

The DoER

The Department of English & Rhetoric Newsletter

2.3 February 2010

Callender, Craig. "Trubtezkoy, Autosegmental Phonology and the Segmental Status of Geminates." The Prague School and Theories of Structure. Eds. Martin Procházka and Markéta Malá. Goettingen: V&R Unipress, 2010. 45-60. Print.


Elliott, Marie. "The Man Gift." Email a Ten Minute Play Program. Los Angeles: Original Works Publishing, 2009: Web.


Friman, Alice. "Ars Poetica on Lava." [Poem] Georgia Review 63 (2009): 549-50. Print.


---. "Coming Down." [Poem] Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2010. Ed. Shafiq Naz. Bertem, Belg.: Alhambra, 2009. 3 July Poem. Print.


---. "Design." [Poem] Shenandoah 59.3 (2009): 36. Print.


---. "Sinkhole." [Poem] Margie 8 (2009): 116. Print.


Gordon, Sarah. “Acts of Love.” [Poem] Shenandoah 59.3 (2009): 48-49. Print.

Blazer, Alex. "'the simulacrum is real': Rivka Galchen's Atmospheric Disturbances." South Atlantic MLA Convention. Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown, Atlanta. 8 Nov. 2009.


Elliott, Marie. "The Man-Gift." After-Hours: Tales of a Naughtier Nature for Adults Only. Shelterbelt Theatre, Omaha, NE. 22 Jan.-13 Feb. 2010.


---. "Luke The Man Gift." Dir. by Landon Price, Cristina Godreau, Kate Tim Riedel, and Steve Kurt Thomas. Pants on Fire: A Night of Comedic One Act Plays. Arts Sake Studios, Winter Park, FL. 6-21 Nov. 2009.


Friman, Alice. Keynote speech and two workshops. A Gathering of Writers and Readers, Writers' Center of Indiana. Indianapolis. 7-8 Nov. 2009.


---. Craft lecture and poetry reading. Visiting Writers 2010 Winter Residency, Murray State Univ. Murray, KY. 4-5 Jan. 2010.


Gentry, Bruce. "Revising Southern Womanhood in Wise Blood." South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown, Atlanta. 7 Nov. 2009.


---. "Reconsidering Sally Fitzgerald." Panel presentation for Habits of Being: Flannery O'Connor and Sally Fitzgerald. Emory Univ., Atlanta. 5 Nov. 2009.


---. Presentation on Brad Gooch's Flannery for book club. With Craig Amason. Forsyth, GA. 19 Nov. 2009.


McElmurray, Karen. Featured Reader. Appalachian Reading Series, Lincoln Memorial University. 3 Nov. 2009.


---. Benefit Reading on Mountaintop Removal. Morriss Bookshop. Lexington, KY. 6 Nov. 2009.


---. Featured Author. Kentucky Book Fair. Frankfort Convention Center, Frankfort, KY. 7 Nov. 2009.


---. Interview with Georgia Public Radio's Cover to Cover. 8 Dec. 2009. Web.


Vail, Mark. "Changing the Landscape of Rhetorical Public Memory Studies: Contemplating Texts as Sites of Commemoration." National Communication Association. Chicago, IL. 14 Nov. 2009.

Marie Elliott worked on the Warner Brothers movie Life As We Know It, starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel that was shot in Atlanta and will come out in December.


Rev. of The Motel of the Stars, by Karen McElmurray. Oxford American: The Southern Magazine of Good Writing. 4 Nov. 2009: Web.


Bailey-Mershon, Glenda. Rev. of The Motel of the Stars, by Karen McElmurray. Appalachian Heritage 38.1 (2010): 72-74. Web.


Laura Newbern's collection of poems, Love and the Eye, won the Kore Press's 2010 First Book Award and will be published in the fall of 2010.