Alice Friman. "Behind the Door." [Poem] The Georgia Review 66 (2012): 330-31. Print. [Also featured as “Poem of the Day” on Poetry Daily for 31 July 2012. Web.]
---. "A Conversation with Alice Friman." Interview by Amy Sayre-Roberts. Quiddity International Literary Journal 5.1 (2012): 129-34. Print.
---. "The Gift" and "Phlox." [Poems] Alabama Literary Review 20.1 (2011): 124-27. Print.
---. "Visiting the Ruins." [Poem] New Letters 78.2 (2012): 24-25. Print.
Dillard, Scott. "We Are What We Are Becoming." Visionary: The Journal of Gay Spirit Visions 18.1 (2012). Print.
Marr, Jude. "Ice" and "Shit Happens." [Poems] The Red Clay Review 5 (2012): 7-8. Print.
Newbern, Laura. "In Love" and "Anoranza." [Poems] Pembroke Magazine 44 (2012): 54-56. Print.
Palmer, Eustace. A Pillar of the Community. [Novel] Accra, Ghana: Sierra Leone Writers Series, 2012. Print.
Blazer, Alex E. "'A Good Man Is Hard to Find' and Postmodern Theory." English 661 Flannery O'Connor Immersion Studies, Grand Valley State University. Milledgeville, GA. 2 Aug. 2012. Class Presentation [for Prof. Avis Hewitt's graduate class visiting Milledgeville and GCSU].
Friman, Alice. Reading and Lecture. Seat in the Shade: A Summer Poetry Reading Series. U of Georgia, Athens. 12 July 2012. Reading.
Gentry, Marshall Bruce. "Wise Women, Grotesque Redemption." English 661 Flannery O'Connor Immersion Studies, Grand Valley State University. Milledgeville, GA. 31 July 2012. Class Presentation [for Prof. Avis Hewitt's graduate class visiting Milledgeville and GCSU].
Palmer, Eustace. "The Purpose of University Education." Georgia College & State University. 9 Aug. 2012. Convocation Address.
Simon, Katie. "Teaching the Early American Archive: Counterfactual Role-Playing Games and The Salem Witch-Trials of 1692." Panel on Early American Pedagogies. Society of Early Americanists. American Literature Association 23rd Annual Conference. Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, CA. 24 May 2012. Conference Presentation.
Simon, Katie (with Larry Bacnick, Stephanie McClure, Rebecca McMullen, and Rosalie Richards). "By Faculty for Faculty: Promoting, Nurturing, and Sustaining Undergraduate Research through Faculty Networks at Georgia College." Undergraduate Research Best Practice Session. Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges Annual Meeting. The University of Virginia's College at Wise, Wise, VA. 22 June 2012. Conference Panel.
Rachael Burke (MA '07) accepted a job at Northern Virginia Community College.
Alice Friman won the Georgia Author of the Year Award for Poetry, 2012, for Vinculum. The award is sponsored by the Georgia Writers Association.
Horvath, Brooke. Rev. of Vinculum by Alice Friman. Prairie Schooner 86.2 (2012): 173-76. Print.
Rochelle, Tania. "All Things Connected: A Review of Alice Friman's Vinculum." The Chattahoochee Review 31.3 (2011): 143-45. Print.
Marshall Bruce Gentry consulted with Layman Poupard Publishing for a reprint of criticism about Flannery O'Connor's "Good Country People" in a section of vol. 168 in the Gale Short Story Criticism series.