Georgia College


11.1 May 2019



The Creative Writing Program named Dylan Borst the Outstanding Graduating Senior.


The Department of English Social Media Internship Program named Austin Collard and Gabriela Faria as the department's new intern. Both Austin and Gabriela are enthusiastic to work with the department to increase our presence on social media, to work with faculty, and to bring innovative new ideas for reaching audiences for our events, clubs, and other activities.


The Literature Program named Dana Maller the Outstanding Graduating Senior. The Literature Program awarded Dana Maller the winner of the Critical Essay Contest for her essay "The Cakewalk of Whiteness: The Deconstruction of White Identity in Chesnutt's The Marrow of Tradition." Honorable Mentions included "The Honor and Gift of Grace" by Katie Rose-Borrello and "Reviving Caliban: Analyzing Julie Taymor's Interpretation of Caliban from Shakespeare’s The Tempest" by Makhalath Fahiym.

The Romanticism Club discussed Lord Byron's plays Cain and The Deformed Transformed, poetry by Emily Brontë and John Keats, and a selection of poems about graves and burial. The club also screened Bright Star, a film about John Keats, and held a Costume Potluck Extravaganza in which attendees came costumed in their favorite characters or authors.


Shakespearean Circle read Measure for Measure, King Lear, Othello, All's Well That Ends Well, As You Like It, and The Merchant of Venice and screened the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Richard II.


The Sigma Rho Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta held a Scrabble Night. Several current and new members enjoyed an evening of games, food, and conversation. The Chapter inducted twelve new members this spring; seven members will graduate in the spring commencement.

Allmond, Emily M. [MA Student] "Acknowledging the 'Forgotten' Contributions of Black Female Authors: A Review of Women of the Harlem Renaissance by Cheryl Wall." The Corinthian, vol. 19, article 10, 2019.  

Casale, Cooper. [MFA Student] "Invocation." [Poem] The American Journal of Poetry, vol. 6., 2019.     casale.html

---. "The Orator." [Essay] New South Journal, Spring 2019.

---. "I Listened to Mount Eerie by the Microphones and Threw Out All My Art" and "Guitar Music." [Poems] DMQ Review, Spring 2019.

---. "Ode to a Coy Pond." [Poem] Chiron Review, Fall 2019.

Fallon, Becca. [BA Student] The Winnow, vol. 1, no. 1, Nov. 2018, pp. 22-23.

Friman, Alice. [Retired] "Blackbirds" and "On Flight #2978 from Florida." [Poems] The American Journal of Poetry, vol. 6, 2019.

---. "Clytemnestra, Unleashed." [Poem] Plume, Issue 88, Dec. 2018. Friman's statement about the poem is at 

---. "The Eternal Question," "His Last Letter," and "Sleeping Beauty." [Poems] New Letters, vol. 85, nos. 2-3, 2019, pp. 40-46.

---. "First Blood" and "Putting Two and Two Together." [Poems] Western Humanities Review, vol. 72, no. 1, Spring 2018, pp. 45-50.

---. "Lesson from Iceland," "Stuck," and "Postmarked Georgia." [Poems] Alabama Literary Review, vol. 27, no. 1, 2018, pp. 14-16.

---. "Metamorphosis." [Poem] Ploughshares, vol. 44, no. 4, Winter 2018-19, p. 39.

---. "Refraction at Twilight." [Poem] Southern Review, vol. 55, no. 2, 2019, p. 171.

---. "Three Takes on a Couplet by Neruda." [Reprinted poem] Southern Poetry      Review, 60th Anniversary issue, vol. 56, no. 1, 2018, pp. 23-24.

---. "Two White Dots." [Poem] The Gettysburg Review, vol 31, no. 3, Autumn 2018, pp. 370-71.

---. "Under a Blind Eye." [Poem] Plume Poetry, vol. 7, 2019, pp. 55-56.

---. "The Entrepreneur" and "The Picture." [Poems] I-70 Review, vol. 12, Summer/Fall 2018, pp. 51-53.

---. "The Hike." [Poem] Lake Effect, vol. 22, Spring 2018, pp. 76-77.

---. "Lady Macbeth." [Poem] The Georgia Review, vol. 72, no. 2, Summer 2018, pp. 318-19. 

---. "Watching You in the Mirror." [Reprinted poem] All We Know of Pleasure: Poetic Erotica by Women, edited by Enid Shomer, Carolina Wren Press, 2018, pp. 134-35.

---. "White Blood." [Poem] Secrets, edited by Sue Brannan Walker, Negative Capability Press, 2018, pp. 4-5.

Friman, Alice, and Marshall Bruce Gentry. "Interview with Alice Friman and
Marshall Bruce Gentry." Etchings, vol. 30, no. 2, 2018, pp. 10-12. [Interview follows a judges' statement on p. 9 about the judging of the Dorlis Gott Armentrout Award, for the best submission to Etchings, the student literary magazine at the University of Indianapolis, a magazine Friman inspired and Gentry helped found. Gentry Skyped his way to the release party.]

Gentry, Marshall Bruce. "Becoming a Middle Georgia Writer: Rethinking the
Influence of Carson McCullers and Erskine Caldwell on Flannery O'Connor."
Middle Georgia and the Approach of Modernity: Essays on Race, Culture and Daily Life, 1885-1945, edited by Fred R. van Hartesveldt, McFarland, 2018, pp. 105-20.

Kuenzi, Leah. [MFA Student] "My Mother and Other Doctors." (Essay) The Lindwood Review, Issue 9.

Magoulick, Mary. "Trickster Lives in Erdrich: Continuity, Innovation, and Eloquence of a Troubling, Beloved Character." Journal of Folklore Research, vol. 55, no. 3, Sep.-Dec. 2018, pp. 87-126.

Maier, Kristy. [MFA Student] "Coop." [Short Story] South Atlantic Review.

---. Review of Southern Writers on Writing, edited by Susan Cushman. Flannery O’Connor Review.

McLaughlin, Alexandra. [MFA Student] "Emmanuel Little: Visionary. Hopeful. Inspiring" (profile article). Milledgeville Scene "20 Under 40" edition. Jan./Feb. 2019. p. 26.

Monk, Dalton. [MFA Student] "That Arm, That Thing." [Short Story] The Bitter Oleander, Spring 2019.

Neville, Kerry. "Advent: Deepening Our Commitment to Recovery." The Fix, December 2018. 18 Dec. 2018.

---. "Teaching the N-Word." Crab Orchard Review, Oct. 2018, pp. 214-222. no_2_oct. 2 Oct. 2018.

---. "Losing, Lost, Finding, Found." Panorama Journal, Sep. 2018. 12 Sep. 2018.

---. "No Vacation from Recovery: A Packing List." The Fix, Aug. 2018. 17 Aug. 2018.

---. Review of The Recovering, by Leslie Jamison. The Rumpus, June 2018.

Sofala-Jones, Hali. Afakasi | Half-Caste. Sundress Publications, 2019.

---. "An Explanation to You Who Will Never Be Born" and "An Explanation to You Who Will Never Be Born II." [Poems] Mom Egg Review, vol. 17, Apr. 2019, p. 16.

Woloch, Cecilia. Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem. Revised and expanded edition, Two Sylvias Press, 2018.

---. "Reign of Embers, Parts I – X." [Poem] Pushcart Prize XLII: Best of the Small Presses, edited by Bill Henderson, Pushcart Press, 2018.

---. “Against the Sorrow That Admits No Joy." [Poem] Los Angeles Review of Books, Spring 2019.

---. "In the Name of Whatever Country This Is," "How We Got Into This," "I Was Sixteen for Twenty Years" and "Deja Vu." [Poems] Poetry International, vol. 25/26, 2019.

---. "My Mother is the Poem I'll Never Write," and "On the Anniversary of Your Birth, The First Year After Your Death." [Poems] Asheville Poetry Review, vol. 25, no. 1, iss. 28, 2018.

---. "Reign of Embers, Part II." [Poem] The American Journal of Poetry, vol. 5, July 2018.

---. "La Mer." [Poem] Birmingham Poetry Review, no. 45, Spring 2018.

---. Translations into German of "Blazon" and "A Place in the Music." [Poems] Die Morgendämmerung der Worte: Moderner Poesie-Atlas der Roma und Sinti (The Dawn of the Words: Modern Poetry Atlas of the Roma and Sinti), edited by Wilfried Ihirg, Die Andere Bibliothek, 2018.

---. "Postcard to Myself from the Lower Carpathians, Spring." [Poem] Translated into Polish by Henry Cierniak, Wytrych (Polish Quarterly), no. 3, 2018.

Allmond, Emily M. [MA Student] "There's a New Mother Nature Taking Over: Deconstructing the Relationship Between Humans and the Natural World in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle." Ecocritical Approaches to Literature. Women and Gender Studies Symposium, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Blazer, Alex. "The Psychoanalysis of Satire: A Short Paper about Aphanisis in A Short Film about Disappointment." Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages & Literatures, Georgia Tech Savannah Campus, 11 Apr. 2019, Savannah. Conference Presentation.

---. "Sentimentality or Sustenance: Art in Postmodern Novels Then and Now." Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association, 8 Nov. 2018, Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore. Conference Presentation.

Bracewell, Joy. "Building Citizen Centers: Perspectives from Three New Writing Center Directors." International Writing Centers Association, 12 Oct. 2018, Sheraton, Atlanta. Conference Presentation.

Cudmore, Michael. [MA Student] "The Lens of Truth: A Critical Response to the Role of Rinehart in Ellison's Invisible Man." Student Research Conference, Georgia College & State University, 5 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Friman, Alice. [Retired] E. J. Fisher Library, Athens, TN, 27 Apr. 2019. Reading.

---. North American Review Conference, University of Northern Iowa, 21 Apr. 2019, Cedar Falls. Reading.

---. Offsite reading during AWP convention, sponsored by Plume, 28 Mar. 2019. Cargo Restaurant, Portland. Reading.

---. Troy University, 10 Apr. 2019, Troy. Reading and class visit.

---. Reading. Southern Women's Consortium, Reinhardt University, 12 July 2018, Waleska. Reading.

Gentry, Marshall Bruce. "Race and the Substitute Child in Flannery O'Connor's 'The Displaced Person.'" Front Porch Lecture Series, Andalusia, 24 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Lecture.

---. "Flannery O'Connor's Advice to Writers." Southern Women's Consortium, Reinhardt University, 12 July 2018, Waleska. Lecture.

---. "Biff Brannon and Social Activism in Carson McCullers’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter." Carson McCullers: Radical Innovator. SAMLA,
2 Nov. 2018, Birmingham. Conference Presentation. Gentry also chaired two O'Connor sessions.

Magoulick, Mary. "Wonder Woman: Goddess of Our Feminist Dreams?" "Invisible No Longer?": Folklorists on Women in Film Panel. Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society, 19 Oct. 2018, Buffalo. Conference Presentation.

Maloney, Catherine. [BA Student] "A Southern Girl's Guide to the Apocalypse." Myths, Zombies, and Goddesses. Women's and Gender Studies Symposium, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

---. "The Bisexual Ghosts in the Closet." Literature and Sexuality. Women's and Gender Studies Symposium, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Martin, Olivia. [BA Student] "Reality in Paradise: Toni Morrison's Convent as a Heterotopia." Ecocritical Approaches to Literature. Women's and Gender Studies Symposium, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Peterson, Scarlet. [MFA Student] "Queering Pedophilia: Biff Bannon and Sexual Deviance in Carson McCuller's The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter." Literature and Sexuality. Women's and Gender Studies Symposium, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

McQuain, Jessica. [MA Student] "Quiet Revolutionaries: Translating Eco-Justice Ethics to Rural Activism for Poor and Working Class Whites." Ecocritical Approaches to Literature. Women's and Gender Studies Conference, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Neville, Kerry. "Take Back the Night, Macon: Keynote Speaker." Crisis Line and Safe House, 11 April 2019, Macon. Address.

---. "Recovery LitUp: Invited Reader." AWP Conference, 29 March 2019, Portland. Reading.

---. "Invited Speaker, Book Discussion Group." Honors Program, Georgia College & State University, 27 Feb. 2019, Milledgeville. Reading.

---. "Invited Faculty." University of Limerick Creative Writing Winter School, 26-30 Nov. 2018, Doolin, Ireland. Reading.

---. "Guest Reader." University College Dublin Creative Writing Program, 20 Nov. 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Reading.

---. "Frankenstein and Feminism," Frankenweek, College of English, Irish, and Communication, University of Limerick. 31 Oct. 2018, Limerick, Ireland. Lecture.

---. "Guest Reader." University of Limerick/MA in Creative Writing Program, 11 Oct. 2018, Limerick, Ireland. Reading.

---. "Migration and Narration in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah." Guest Lecture, Department of English, Irish, and Communication, University of Limerick, 8 Oct. 2018, Limerick, Ireland. Address.

---. "Thoreau and Ecocriticism." Guest Lecture, Department of English, Irish, and Communication, University of Limerick, 1 Oct. 2018, Limerick, Ireland. Lecture.

Newbern, Laura. Summer 2018 Reading Series, Reinhardt University,
9 July 2018, Waleska. Reading.

O'Neal, Elise. [BA Student] "Henry James' Turn of the Screw and the Dangerous Ambiguity of Transcendental Belief." Student Research Conference, Georgia College & State University, 5 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

O'Neal, Elise, and Dana Maller. [BA Students] "The Nuwaubian Nation: The Culture of Religious, Black Separatism." A COPLAC Digital Project Fall 2018 Divided Houses: Secession and Separatism, Georgia College & State University, 10 Dec. 2018, Milledgeville. Presentation. [The project website is located at]

Pontalti, Christian. [BA Student] "That's Been Done Before: Tropes and Cliché in The Canterbury Tales." Student Research Conference, Georgia College & State University, 5 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Sofala-Jones, Hali. "Sundress Publications Reading." Sundress Publications, 20 Apr. 2019, Healing Arts Center, New Orleans. Reading.  

---. "Poetry Reading." Sundress Reading Series, 7 Apr. 2019, Hexagon Brewery, Knoxville. Reading.

---. "Poetry Reading." Poets in Pajamas Reading Series, 31 Mar. 2019, Facebook Live. Reading.

---. "Sundress Publications AWP Reading." Sundress Publications, 28 Mar. 2019, Reverend Nat's Hard Cider, Portland. Reading.

---. "Alumni Publication Reading." Georgia College Creative Writing Program, 24 Jan. 2019, Museum Education Room, Milledgeville. Reading.

Stefani, Debora. "Reconceptualizing National Identity: Minor Transnationalism in Aimee Phan's The Reeducation of Cherry Truong and Igiaba Scego's Adua." Re-conceptualizing National Identity. SAMLA, 2-4 Nov. 2018, Sheraton, Birmingham. Conference Presentation.

---. "Transforming the Meaning of Citizen: 'Acts of Citizenship' in Thrity Umrigar's If Today Be Sweet." MELUS Conference, 3 May 2018, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Conference Presentation.

Watkins, Jennifer. [MFA Student] "Spider Woman: Witch, Weaver, Spinster, Superhero." Myths, Zombies, and Goddesses. Women's and Gender Studies Symposium, Georgia College & State University, 17 Apr. 2019, Milledgeville. Conference Presentation.

Woloch, Cecilia. "The Spirit Stays: The Poetry & Prose of James Baker Hall." Lost Southern Voices Literary Festival, Apr. 2019, Georgia State University Clarkston Campus, Clarkson. Presentation.

---. Pathways & Journeys: Reading/Performance in collaboration with the Department of Music, Georgia College & State University, Feb. 2019, Milledgeville. Reading.

---. Georgia Center for the Book, Nov. 2018, Atlanta, GA, Reading.

---. Festivalul International Romaii Poesia, Oct. 2018, Sibiu, Romania, Reading.

---. "Writing Ourselves Back into the Story of the World." Sibiu University, Oct. 2018, Sibiu, Romania. Presentation.

---. "Get Radical." Lost Lake Writers Retreat, Springfed Arts, Oct. 2018, Detroit. Presentation.

---. Carmichael's Books, Aug. 2018, Louisville. Reading.

---. Visiting Writers Series, Georgia State College & University, Sep. 2018, Milledgeville. Reading.

---. BibliotekBar, Performance with musician Muhi Tahiri, July 2018, Basel, Switzerland. Reading.

---. Café de la Mairie, Reading/Performance with musician Ron Grun, June 2018, Paris, France. Reading.

Brittany Baron [MFA Student] attended this year's national Sigma Tau Delta Convention in St. Louis, MO where she served as the representative from the Southern region and introduced the keynote speaker, Tess Taylor. For her poetry manuscript, "Mad Girl at Home," Baron won a first-place prize and $600.00.


Sandy Dimon served as AP reader for the English Language exam.


Alice Friman [Retired] received the Best of the Net Award, 2019, for her poem "Dumped at Heaven's Gate," originally published in Shenandoah. Friman served as the final judge for Central State's poetry contest, Persimmon Tree, Fall 2018.


Dalton Monk [MFA Student] finished third place in the 2019 Creative Nonfiction Maier Awards at Marshall University.


Kristy Maier [MFA Student] received an Honorable Mention in the 2018 SAMLA Graduate Creative Writing Award competition for her story "Coop."


Dr. Kerry Neville was awarded a Fulbright Teaching Fellowship at the University of Limerick, Ireland in Fall 2018. Dr. Neville's "Manifestus" was named a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2018. Her collection of short stories, Remember to Forget Me, was named a Finalist for the Philip McMath/University of Central Arkansas Post-Publication Book Award.


The Journal of African Literature Association (JALA) Fall 2019/Winter 2020 issue will focus on the the scholarly work of Dr. Eustace Palmer, past president of the association. Dr. Palmer (together with Dr. Charles Ubah of the Department of Government and Sociology) took fifteen students to the 22nd annual conference of the Southeast Model of the African Union (SEMAU) hosted by Savannah State University, from November 7 to 10. The conference, which is devoted to African affairs, is a simulation of the annual meeting of African Heads of State, and the students have to represent selected countries, do thorough research on their chosen country’s policies and attitudes and on African affairs in general, and make presentations during committee meetings at which resolutions for the solution of some of Africa’s problems are discussed. Two of the students won awards for their excellent performance in committees.


Darbyshire Witik [BA Graduate] accepted a prestigious fellowship at the University of Delaware, part of the African American Public Humanities Initiative (AAPHI).

Brittany Barron [MFA Student] has accepted an offer of a full scholarship and teaching assistantship from Florida State University's PhD program in Literature, Media, and Culture.


Jaycee Billington [BA Student] has been accepted into the Iowa Writer's Workshop, widely known as the best and most competitive MFA program in the country.


Catherine Bowlin [BA and MA Graduate] has been admitted to the University of Mississippi PhD program in English.


Morgan Coyner [MFA Student] has accepted the position of Grant Coordinator with The Next Door, a non-profit organization in Nashville, TN.


Michael Faulknor [MA Student] has accepted a position at Oconee Fall Line Technical College.


Emily Hansen [MFA Graduate] has been accepted into Georgia State University's PhD program in Creative Writing. Her first book will be published in January 2020.


Leilani Kukua [BA Student] has accepted a position at Disney.


Rachel Lord [BA Graduate] is an audience engagement specialist at The Albany Herald.


Jude Marr [MFA Graduate] successfully defended her dissertion, a poetry collection titled Bird on Barbed Wire and critical essay, at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.


Scarlett Petersen [MFA Student] has accepted an offer of a full scholarship from Georgia State University's PhD program in Creative Writing.  


Steven Savage [MA Graduate] is teaching at Central Georgia Technical College.


Will Smith [BA Student] has been accepted into Georgia College's MAT program.


Calabria Turner [MA Graduate] has been accepted into Georgia State University's PhD program in Literary Studies.