Blackboard Basics
Blackboard vs. Email
Electronic mail is fine for communication, but it's not practical for assignment
collection. Therefore, I prefer
to receive electronic assignments in a central location, Blackboard. Email your questions about the assignment, but submit the completed assignment via Blackboard.
It is your responsibility to keep your Blackboard login
information current in order to download the course packet, communicate
with the discussion board (if your course has one), and upload assignments.
If you lose access to Blackboard, it is your responsibility to have your access
repaired. That said, I do understand that Blackboard does go down from time
to time; and in those instances, you may email me your completed assignment.
Submitting Assignments
Informal Responses, Formal Papers, Take-Home Exams
Upload informal responses, formal papers, or take-home exams to
the Assignments category, which is linked from the red course menu
located on the left-hand side of the Blackboard screen. For instance,
if you need to turn in Paper 1, you would follow these steps (note
that this is a generic Blackboard module and will not look exactly like your
real assignment):
- Login to Blackboard.
- Click the link for our course.
- Click the "Assignments" link
located on the red course menu.
- Click the "View/Complete Assignment: Paper 1 " link.
- To attach your assignment for upload, click the "Browse" button and then
browse to your completed assignment.
- After attaching your assignment, make sure you click the "Submit"
button at the bottom righthand corner of the page, otherwise I won't be able
to open your assignment. (Note: Clicking the "Save" button saves your
comments and attached documents to Blackboard but does NOT allow the
instructor to access it.)
Discussion Boards
If an assignment is to be seen by the entire class, such as an article or
poem summary, it will be posted to the course discussion board, available in
both the Assignments section and
the Communications section. To upload a discussion board response via the Assignments
section, follow these directions.
- Click the "Assignments" link on the red menu bar.
- Click the "Discussion Board" link. (Note: This link is underlined
in black as opposed to the usual blue.)
- Click the "New Thread"
- Fill in the Subject line, preferably with the author and title of the
work under discussion.
- Fill in the message box with your response or attach your response
in a Microsoft Word or Rich-Text Format file. (Note: Even if you fill in
the message box with your response, I suggest saving your response in a word
processing file just in case there's a problem posting your response.)
Peer Response
Peer Responses for 205, 225, and 226 classes will be submitted in two places
in Blackboard: the Assignments section, which is read by the instructor, and
the Groups section, which is read by fellow peer group members. After you have
completed all of your peer responses, upload them all at once to these two
- Click the
Assignments link on the red menu bar.
- Click the "View/Complete Assignment: Paper # Peer Response"
- To attach your peer responses for upload, click the "Browse" button
and then browse to your completed peer responses on your harddrive or flash
drive. Make sure that all of your peer responses are in one file.
- Click
the "Submit" button
at the bottom of the page, otherwise I won't be able to open the responses.
- After you have uploaded your peer responses to the Assignments section
for your instructor to grade, you also need to upload the responses to the
Groups section for your peers to read.
- Click the "Groups" link located on the red menu bar.
- Click the "Paper
# - Group #" corresponding to your assigned group.
- Click the "File
Exchange" link.
- Click the "Add File" button.
- Name the file and then Browse to the peer response located on your harddrive
or flash drive.
- Click the "Submit" button.
- Repeat the process until you have uploaded all of your peer responses.
Accessing Graded Assignments
You can access your assignment grades (for electronically submitted assignments
only) by clicking the My Grades link on the course menu.
- The link will take you to a page listing all of the assignments in the

- Ungraded Assignments: If an assignment has been submitted but has
not been graded, its link will look like this: !,
an exclamation point. You may verify that you properly submitted the assignment
by clicking the ! link.
- Graded Assignments: If the assignment
has been graded, its link will look look like this:
a green check mark.
You may view your graded assignment by clicking the
Your graded paper is in section 3 Feedback to Student. Pay no heed to "Grade:
0 out of 0.0;" your graded paper is the attached file in Comments from Instructor.

Review Comments in Microsoft Word
To view professor comments in Microsoft Word, you need to set up Word's Track Changes feature. Double-click an image to view it in its normal size.
- From the menu bar, select View > Toolbars > Reviewing.

- From the menu bar, select View > Markup.

- From the Reviewing toolbar, select either Final Showing Markup or, if that does not reveal comments, then Original Showing Markup