Georgia College

The DoER

The Department of English & Rhetoric Newsletter

2.2 November 2009

Blazer, Alex. "The Phony 'Martyrdom of Saint Me': Choke and the Problem of Postmodern Narcissistic Nihilism." Reading Chuck Palahniuk: American Monsters and Literary Mayhem. Eds. Cynthia Kuhn and Lance Rubin. London: Routledge, 2009. 143-56. Print.


Friman, Alice. "A Closer Look: Alice Friman." [Profile and 14 poems.] The Innisfree Poetry Journal 9 (Sept. 2009): 6-25. Print.  http://authormark.


Friman.shtml. Web.


---. "Getting Serious." [Poem.] The Best American Poetry 2009. Ed. David Wagoner. New York: Scribner, 2009. 26. Print. [Friman's biography on 161 includes her comment on the poem.]


McElmurray, Karen. "Teaching Rapture." Still: Literature of the Mountain South 1 (2009): n. pag. Web. 30 Oct. 2009.

Friman, Alice. Reading, Workshop, Panelist. Sotto Voce Poetry Festival. Shepherdstown University. Shepherdstown, WV. 16-18 Oct. 2009.


Gentry, Marshall Bruce. "Successful Use of O'Connor in Stories by Jim Grimsley and Michael Bishop." American Literature Association Symposium on American Fiction Since 1890. Savannah, GA. 10 Oct. 2009.


McElmurray, Karen. "The Creative Process: From Loss to Translation in Memoir." Geraldine Owen Lyon Lecture. Lynchburg College. Lynchburg, VA. 21 Sept. 2009.


---. Memoir Writing Workshop. Chattahoochee Valley Writer's Conference. Columbus, GA. 26 Sept. 2009.


---. Memoir Writing Workshop, Reading, Panelist. [Discussing mountaintop removal] Davis & Elkins College Writers' Series. Davis & Elkins College. Elkins, WV. 28-29 Oct. 2009.


---. "Pilgrims, Saints, and Mystics: Three Novels." [Panelist with Cathy Foster and River Jordan.] Southern Festival of Books. Nashville, TN. 10 Oct. 2009.


---. "Angle of Vision (Women Writers on their Working Class Roots)." [Panelist with Lorraine Lopez, Lynn Pruett, and Heather Sellers.] Southern Festival of Books. Nashville, TN. 11 Oct. 2009.

David Muschell's Birds in the Weather won the Brevard Little Theatre's 6th Annual National Playwriting Competition (performance of the winning play in late May).  Brevard, North Carolina.

On Friday, Nov. 13, 7-8:30 p.m., you are invited to attend "War Letters: Forty Years of Family Correspondence" at the Goldstein Center for the Performing Arts Auditorium at GMC. The event features Evelyn Sweet-Hurd, author of His Name Was Donn: My Brother's Letters from Vietnam,and, speaking via video link, Melissa Seligman author of The Day After He Left for Iraq: A Story of Love, Family & Reunion. Sweet-Hurd's book describes a sister's effort to work through her grief over her brother’s death in the Vietnam War nearly forty years ago. Seligman will talk about maintaining a loving relationship with her husband, who is scheduled to deploy for the third time in five years. This event is the culmination of The Big Read in Milledgeville. Co-sponsors include the GCSU Department of English and Rhetoric, the Flannery O'Connor Review, the GCSU American Democracy Project, the GMC English Department, and the Families of the Georgia Army National Guard 48th Brigade. Both authors' books are currently available in Walden Books at Milledgeville Mall.