Blazer, Alex E. "Bret Easton Ellis: Glamorama." The Literary Encyclopedia. 19 May 2011. Web.
---. "Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club." The Literary Encyclopedia. 23 Aug. 2011. Web.
Friman, Alice. "Ars Poetica on Lava." [Poem] Visiting Dr. Williams: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of William Carlos Williams. Eds. Cheila Coghill and Thom Tammaro. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2011. 51. Print.
---. "Falling in Line." [Poem] The Southern Review 47 (2011): 509-10. Print.
---. "Ironing the Brain" and "Vexed." [Poems] New Letters 77.2 (2011): 138-40. Print.
---. "Red Camellia," "How It Is," and "The Birthmark." [Poems] The Georgia Review 65 (2011): 305-09. Print.
---. "Riding High." [Finalist, 2011 Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest] Winning Writers 15 Aug. 2011. Web.
---. "Trip to Delphi," "Cascade Falls," "Apollo Comes to Floyds Knobs, Indiana," "Visitation Rights," and "Chinese Medicine." [Poems] And Know This Place: Poetry of Indiana. Eds. Jenny Kander and C. E. Greer. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 2011. 50-56. Print.
Gentry, Marshall Bruce. "He Would Have Been a Good Man: Compassion and Meanness in Truman Capote and Flannery O’Connor." Rpt. in Truman Capote. New ed. Bloom's Modern Critical Views. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Infobase, 2009. 135-49. Print.
---. "Wise Women, Wise Blood." Wise Blood: A Re-Consideration. Ed. John J. Han. New York: Rodopi, 2011. 309-31. Print.
Gordon, Sarah. "Acta Sanctorum." [Poem] The Georgia Review 65 (2011): 397-98.
Marsom-Richmond, Rachel. "Blood pools like parking lot puddles." [Poem] Three Line Poetry 6 (Aug. 2011). Web.
---. "Waiting Room." [Poem] The Camel Saloon. 21 Aug. 2011. Web.
---. "Where He Found Pluto." [Poem] The Bijou Poetry Review. 12 Aug. 2011. Web.
McElmurray, Karen. "The True Story." Family Trouble: Memoirists on the Hazards and Rewards of Revealing Family: An Anthology of Non-Fiction. Ed. Joy Castro. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2011.
Riley, Michael O. A Bookbinder's Analysis of the First Edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. San Francisco: Book Club of California, 2011. Print. [The companion volume to Hanff, Peter E. Cyclone on the Prairies: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Arts and Crafts in Publishing in Chicago, 1900. San Francisco: Book Club of California, 2011.]
Zipperer, Eddie. Credit Check: A Collection of Short Plays. Woodstock, IL: Dramatic, 2011. Print.
---. The Reality Show of Prince Absurdly Handsome. Jacksonville, FL: Eldridge, 2011. Print.
---. "Credit Check." The Best 10-Minute Plays of 2012. Ed. Lawrence Harbison. Hanover, NH: Smith & Kraus, 2012. Print.
---. "Nicolas the Worm." Southern Theatre Magazine Fall 2011. Print.
Friman, Alice. "#2: 'Poetry Has Given Me More Than I've Ever Given It.'" Ask Alice [podcast series sponsored by Georgia College MFA program] 2 May 2011. Web.
McElmurray, Karen. "Appalachian Heritage Reading." Berea College, Berea, KY. 10 June 2011. Reading.
Alice Friman won a 2012 Pushcart Prize for "Tracing Back," a poem originally published in The Gettysburg Review.
Alice Friman's book Vinculum: Poems is reviewed by David Huddle in The Hollins Critic 48.3 (2011): 16-18, by Andrea Hollander Budy in "Day 33: Andrea Hollander Budy's Five Favorite Contemporary Poetry Collections," 32 Poems online blog, 5 May 2011; and by Kelly Forsythe in Newcity Lit 10 Aug. 2011.
Karen McElmurray served as guest faculty (Andrew Hudgins, Holly Goddard Jones, and Chris Bachelard) at the Sewanee School of Letters Summer MFA Program from June 12 to July 22.
David Muschell's play Heroes won an Honorable Mention in the Inaugural Ohio State Newark New Play Contest in August.
Katie Simon, Bruce Gentry, and Ashley Emmert want everyone to know that excellent t-shirts and bookbags from the April O'Connor conference are still available, both in the reading room of Special Collections in the Georgia College library and online at