Dr. Alex E. Blazer Curriculum Vita Teaching Portfolio


Pronunciation Guide

Note: I'm not a phoneticist, and I composed this list from three different sources with three different legends. If you see a mistake please bring it to my attention.


Adorno, Theodor W.: a-DOR-no

Althusser, Louis: ALT-whos-sair

Barth, John: BART

Barthes, Roland: BART

Baudrillard, Jean: boh-dree-YAHR, zhon

Benjamin, Walter: ben-yeh-MEEN

Cixous, Hélène: seek-sou

Deleuze, Gilles: DAY-loose

Derrida, Jacques: dair-ree-DAH

Foucault, Michel: fou-KOH

Gramsci, Antonio: GRAWM-shee

Guattari, Félix: GUAT-eh-ree

Horkheimer, Max: HORK-HIGH-mer or HOR-KIGH-mer

Jakobson, Roman: YAH-keb-sen

Kristeva, Julia: kris-TAYV-veh

Lacan, Jacques: lawk-KAWN, zhawk

Lévi-Strauss, Claude: lev-ee-STROWS

Lukács, György: lou-KOTCH

Sartre, Jean-Paul: sart or SAR-treh

Saussure, Ferdinand de: soh-SUR

Stoppard, Tom: stop-perd