Letters of Recommendation

Graduate School

I am happy to write undergraduate and graduate students letters of recommendation for graduate school for those who have taken at least two classes with me. I am happy to write Teaching Fellows a letter of recommendation emphasizing their teaching abilities.


I recommend the following resources as a starting point to help you with your graduate school search:

Please request the recommendation at least one month before the application is due so I can plan my time, and provide the following documents about two weeks before it is due:

  1. Curriculum Vita or Resume
  2. Personal Statement
  3. Electronic List of Schools, Addresses, and Due Dates
    • There is no need for addressed, stamped envelopes. I will print and mail your letter on letterhead using university mail or give the letter back to you to mail as needed.
  4. Recommendation Forms

I am usually pretty on the ball with due dates, but feel free to remind me about due dates (I won't take it personally because I understand how anxiety-producing the application process is).


I am happy to write Teaching Fellows letters of recommendation, emphasizing teaching, for job applications. Let me know if you're going on the market at the beginning of fall in your final year so I can schedule a class observation before you need the recommendation. Here's my page on the job market, which includes suggestions regarding the cover letter, curriculum vita, and teaching statement. I appreciate the following documents:

  1. Application Cover Letter
  2. Curriculum Vita
  3. Teaching Statement

Title and Contact Information

Here are my title and contact information:


Dr. Alex E. Blazer

Assistant Professor of English and Coordinator of the Teaching Fellows

Department of English & Rhetoric

Georgia College & State University

Campus Box 044

Milledgeville, GA 31061


