English 1101: English Composition I, Fall 2008
Section 43 (CRN 81764): TR 3:30-4:45PM Arts & Sciences 238
In Class Activities
1. Cultural Identity
Jones' Leaving Atlanta portrays African-American childhood in Atlanta in the late 1970s, and Boyarin's "Waiting for a Jew" exhibits Jewish communities in the the late 1960s. Both study communities, one from the perspective of imaginative literature, another from anthropological ethnography. Divide into groups of no more than four, discuss and answer the following questions, and elect a secretary to report your group's findings to the rest of the class.
- Describe the home and community Octavia comes from and the one she is sent to.
- Select the three most important sentences in Boyarin's essay that assert the relationship between different communities, for instance dominant and marginal ones. What is Boyarin's main idea, his thesis?
- Describe the community or communities your group members grew up in. Do most or all members come from the same kind of community? Was it "dominant" or "marginal"? How did you interact with other communities?
2. Critical Reading
Our second formal paper requires you to summarize and evaluate an essay from The New Humanities Reader. In an initial preparation for that assignment, you informally wrote a summary of Faludi or Nussbaum. Today, groups of four or five will evaluate an essay using Lisa Ede's "Questions for Critical Reading" in The Academic Writer (95).
- Susan Faludi, "The Nake Citadel"
- Martha Nussbaum, "Women and Cultural Universals"
- James C. Scott, "Behind the Official Story"
- William Greider, "Work Rules"
3. Rhetorical Situations
Now that we've practiced summarizing and evaluating essays' theses, arguments, and evidence, let's look at rhetorical situations—and prepare for the comparison/contrast essay. Today, groups of four or five will discuss an essay or video using Lisa Ede's "Questions for Analyzing Your Rhetorical Situation" in The Academic Writer (44-6). Who is the writer and what are her goals? Who is the reader/viewer, what are her expectations, and how is she appealed to? What is the text's genre and what kinds of evidence does it require? What is the medium, is it appropriate, and what expectations do audiences have of it? Rather than analyzing "your" situation, analyze the writer's. If you are in the Frontline group, substitute viewer for reader. After the groups report their findings to the class, we will compare and contrast rhetorical situations as well as theses.
- Frontline, "The Merchants of Cool"
- Virginia Postrel, "Surface and Substance" (NHR 420-44)
- Eric Schlosser, "Global Realization" (NHR 493-519)
4. Comparing and Contrasting Views on Violence and War
In preparation for our next formal paper, we are going to compare and contrast Chua and Kaldor's arguments regarding violence and war. Break into groups, elect a secretary and spokesperson, and answer the following questions. For questions 2-4, be sure to provide specific quotations and page numbers.
- Topic: What is the topic of Chua's article? of Kaldor's?
- Thesis: What is the thesis of Chua's article? of Kaldor's?
- Comparison: Where do the two articles' arguments overlap?
- Contrast: Given the overlap, where do the two article's arguments differ?
5. Documenting Oneself
Frontline looks at the online social revolution from a variety of different angles. In order to get the discussion started, as well as to gauge how accurately this January 22, 2008 documentary portrays teen lives on October 21, 2008, spend a few moments freewriting on one of the five Frontline topics that have been distributed to the class. The documentary documents teen culture; how would you characterize your own experience?
- I. Living Their Lives Essentially Online
- First, describe the amount of time and all the places you spend online. Next, what would the Frontline writer and producer say about your online life?
- II. A Revolution in Classrooms and Social Life
- How has technology been incorporated into your education–by yourself and by your instructors?
- III. Self Expression, Trying on New Identities
- How is your online persona similar to and different from your real world self?
- IV. The Child Predator Fear / VI. Cyberbullying
- Did you have or know anyone who had experiences with predators and bullies? How did you or the other person deal with it?
- V. Private Worlds Outside Parents’ Reach?
- How much privacy did you maintain online while living at home? Why? Looking back, do you think you had too much or not enough? Why?
Informal Writing
The goal of the informal writing assignments is to get you to think actively about the readings and write analytically about the humanities. These short assignments of 1-2 double-spaced, typed pages with 1" margins and 12-point fonts will also prepare you to write the longer, formal papers.
Out of class responses will be due by the start of class on the due date, either as a typed hard copy or a word-processing file such as Word, WordPerfect, Works, or OpenOffice in Vista > Assignments > Informal Writing #. Hard copies submissions will be returned as hard copies in class; electronic submissions will be returned in Vista > Assignments > Informal Writing # on the same day as hard copy submissions are handed back. Click here for grading rationale and calculation of informal writing assignments.
- Strategies for Reading
- Our first in class informal writing assignment is a one to two page summary of the the first section of the novel, "Magic Words." Using Lisa Ede's "Guidelines for Summarizing a Test," spend 10-15 minutes summarizing what you think a) the main event, b) the main idea, and c) the supporting points of are. Although Tayari Jones' Leaving Atlanta is a work of literature whose theme is not stated in thesis/topic sentence format, it nonetheless broaches and develops many issues of the human condition that we will discuss throughout the course. There are no right or wrong answers; different readers will find different (though most likely related) main ideas. The point of this assignment is to get you to read actively and to practice summarizing what you read.
- Due: written in class on Tuesday, August 26
- Strategies for Summarizing
- Now that you've practiced summarizing a section of imaginary fiction, practice summarizing an scholarly essay, a skill which you will use a lot in your academic career (the second formal paper is a summary and evaluation. Choose Nussbaum or Faludi. What is the thesis (feel free to quote it, then paraphrase it in your own words). What are the predominant lines of argument that support the thesis? How does the author organize her analysis? What evidence does the author use to support her controlling idea and lines of argument?
- Due: Thursday, September 11
- From General Topic to Specific Thesis
- Brainstorm a Focused Topic: You should have come to class with a general topic. Spend the next few moments brainstorming specific issues that you relate to, care about, know about, want to analyze, and wish to construct an argument about.
- Freewrite Supporting Analyses and Outline Argumentative Claims : Choose one or two of the specific issue and then freewrite how the issue(s) works; analyze it, dissect it, break it down into its constituent parts. Next, write about what areas of the issue are open to question, what needs to be proven and supported with evidence, what you believe to be true about the issue but others may not.
- Construct a Working Thesis: Look at your claims. How do they fit together? What is the overall point you are trying to make about the issue? Construct a thesis that makes an arguable claim rooted in your analysis of the issue and will help guide your argument and structure your paper.
- Due: written in class on Thursday, October 16
- Regents' Test Preparation or Additional Peer Response Memo
- Those of you taking the Regents' Test will write a practice essay selected from the Approved Regents' Test Essay Topics
- Those of you who have the Regents' Test waived will write an additional peer response memo.
- Due: written in class on Thursday, October 23
- Selflessness (and perhaps Research Paper Brainstorming)
- Self: Spend five minutes answering the question, "Who am I?" In other words, define your self.
- Selflessness: Now that you have defined your self, what would Robert Thurman and similar Buddhists say about what you wrote? How does he view the self? Record one quote that encapsulates his understanding of the self, and explain that quote in your own words.
- Brainstorming: If you already have a research paper topic, spend five minutes constructing a working research question, brainstorming ideas, and/or outlining your paper. If you have not decided upon a research paper topic, spend the next five minutes reflecting (in writing) upon these questions: Do you want to know more or do you have more to say about the topic of your Analysis and Argument paper? What were the ideas in that paper that you left unsaid and unexplored, either because you didn't have room or didn't have the knowledge? If you don't want to expand the Analysis and Argument paper topic, what issue do you care about, do you want to research? If you could take an entire course in a topic, any topic at all, what would it be? If you could only take one college course or if you could read only one book, what would that course or that book be about? What idea or issue is always on the tip of your mind? When you're not juggling school and work, family and friends, what do you think about? What idea or issue do you keep returning to?
- Due: written in class on Tuesday, November 18
- Practice Research Annotation
- As you read the research for your final paper (or any research paper), you should get in the habit of summarizing and annotating your sources. Write a paragraph on the scholarly journal article you read and annotated for class today by answering the following questions:
- What is the source's topic?
- What is the source's thesis or main idea relevant to the topic you're researching?
- How does the source helps you answer your research question?
- Due: written in class on Thursday, November 20
- As you read the research for your final paper (or any research paper), you should get in the habit of summarizing and annotating your sources. Write a paragraph on the scholarly journal article you read and annotated for class today by answering the following questions:
Peer Responses
The dual goals of this course are for you to read and write scholarly essay in the humanities. Peer response sessions extend the reading and writing process by allowing you and your peers to engage in direct oral and written dialogue regarding the writing process, with the ultimate goal of improving your formal papers. You have the opportunity to revise your first two formal papers based upon comments by your peers and myself. You will provide constructive criticism to 3 or 4 other members of the class as will they to you.
- Exchange electronic papers (formatted in Word/.doc or Rich-Text/.rtf format only, neither Works/.wps nor Word 2007/.docx) with your group via Vista > Assignments > Summary and Evaluation File Exchange - Group #. (Note: For the Analysis and Argument Paper, submit to Argument and Analysis File Exchange - Group #.)
- Provide your peers your printed peer responses by printing out all of their papers and your responses and bring them to your peer response session.
- Provide your instructor your electronic peer responses (to be graded as part of your Informal Writing gade) via Vista > Assignments > Summary and Evaluation Peer Responses. (Note: For the Analysis and Argument Paper, submit to Analysis and Argument Peer Responses.)
Note: If a group member does not submit her paper in .doc or .rtf format at least two days before the peer response session, the rest of the group is not responsible for responding to her paper.
Paper 2 Peer Response
- Group 1 (Tuesday, September 29): Kristen Arp, Sean Connolly, Logan Helmer, Garrett Korn, Chelsea Teague
- Group 2 (Tuesday, September 29): Brooke Blackburn, Scott Dockery, Katherine Kalima, Drew Meyers, Tamra Voll
- Group 3 (Tuessday, September 29): Isaac Brown, Aijalon Hardy, Amanda Moore, Jay Wilhoite
- Group 4 (Thursday, October 2): Brenda Bryant, Bobby Dunn, Natalie Mosher, Kayla Pippin
- Group 5 (Thursday, October 2):
Andrew Calkins, Katherine Gleaton, Jordan Nave, Aubrie Sofala
Written Responses
Use the following issues to help you to formulate your one page, double-spaced response to each peer's paper. Even if you find the paper good, you must still comment on these issues, particularly thesis, argument, and organization. You can always engage a conversation with the writer about how you're analyzing the issue differently, for that dialogue can also help the writer in the revision process.
- Style and Grammar
- Does the paper follow the formal and stylistic guidelines of the Modern Language Association? Does it maintain 1-inch margins, a heading, a running header, double-spacing, and 12pt Times New Roman font?
- Mark grammatical, usage, and typographical computer errors.
- Thesis and Controlling Idea
- Does the paper guide its argument with a strong, clear, and focused thesis?
- Does the thesis evoke the complexity and nuance of the issue at hand?
- Argument
- What reasoning and evidence does the paper use to argue its case?
- Organization
- Does each paragraph or section advance, support, and/or develop the controlling thesis?
- Do the paper's paragraphs and sections build upon and/or follow one another in a logical, effective ways?
- Voice
- Does the paper use a formal, strong, and authoritative voice?
- Successes and Weaknesses
- Where is the paper most successful? least? What does it do right? Where does it need work?
- Quality and Creativity
- Is the paper of sound quality and caliber?
Peer Response Discussion
In the peer response meeting, group members will share their responses in verbal form. Writers take turns listening to their group members review their work. Specifically, the group should go around the circle and state
- what they think the writer's thesis is,
- how well the paper summarized the original article,
- how well the paper evaluated the original article,
- any other comments for revision
Paper 3 Peer Response
- Group 1: Kristen Arp, Scott Dockery, Aijalon Hardy, Jordan Nave
- Group 2: Sean Connolly, Katherine Kalima, Amanda Moore, Kayla Pippin
- Group 3: Logan Helmer, Drew Meyers, Natalie Mosher, Jay Wilhoite
- Group 4: Brenda Bryant, Garrett Korn, Aubrie Sofala, Tamra Voll
- Group 5: Brooke Blackburn, Isaac Brown, Bobby Dunn, Katherine Gleaton
Written Responses
Use the following issues to help you to formulate your one-two page, double-spaced response to each peer's paper. Even if you find the paper good, you must still comment on these issues, particularly thesis, argument, and organization. You can always engage a conversation with the writer about how you're analyzing the issue differently, for that dialogue can also help the writer in the revision process.
- Style and Grammar
- Does the paper follow the formal and stylistic guidelines of the Modern Language Association? Does it maintain 1-inch margins, a heading, a running header, double-spacing, and 12pt Times New Roman font?
- Mark grammatical, usage, and typographical computer errors.
- Thesis and Controlling Idea
- Does the paper guide its argument and analysis with a strong, clear, and focused thesis?
- Does the thesis make a claim regarding the issue at hand?
- Analysis
- Does the paper breakdown the issue with complexity and nuance?
- If you analyze the issue differently, tell the writer so she may expand her analysis.
- Argument
- Does the paper successfully use reasoning and logic?
- Does the paper use effective evidence to argue its case?
- Can you provide any counterargument that the writer should take into consideration?
- Organization
- Does each paragraph or section advance, support, and/or develop the controlling thesis?
- Do the paper's paragraphs and sections build upon and/or follow one another in logical, effective ways?
- Successes and Weaknesses
- Where is the paper most successful? least? What does it do right? Where does it need work?
Peer Response Discussion
In the peer response meeting, writers will read their paper aloud, and group members will share their responses in verbal form. Writers take turns listening to their group members review their work. Specifically, the group should go around the circle and state:
- the what they think the writer's thesis is,
- how well the paper analyzed the issue,
- how well the paper argued its stance,
- any other comments for revision
Paper 1 Personal Narrative
David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky assert, "Reading involves a fair amount of push and shove" (qtd. in Ede 219). We've spent two weeks in class as well as the time spent in your Circle Group discussing the ideas that Tayari Jones' Leaving Atlanta convey or "push." In this first formal paper, you have the opportunity to "shove" back, to reflect upon your own adolescence and compose a four page personal narrative that conveys an issue that was and may still be crucial in your formative experience. What does Jones' novel make you think about in your own life? You could, for instance, write about how race shaped your life. Or class. Or gender. Alternatively, what is/was your own predominant coming-of-age issue? How did your parents raise you? Your mother? Your father? Are/were you affected by a culture of fear? Choose one issue and analyze how it functioned in your life. Your personal and self-analytical narrative essay should break the issue down in order to reveal its complex operations. Your paper should have a controlling idea, be well-organized, provide specific details to support its analytical claims, and follow the rules of standard written English.
- Length: 4 pages
- Your paper will be penalized one-third of a letter grade if it does not end at least halfway down on the fourth page while implementing 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1" margins. If it does not end at least halfway down on the third page, it will be penalized two-thirds of a letter grade.
- Style: MLA style
- One-third of a letter grade will be deducted for each of three problems in the following categories, for a possible total penalty of one letter grade: 1) margins, 2) font size/style and line-spacing, and 3) quoting and citing. Before you turn in a formal paper, make sure your work follows MLA style by referring to my FAQ on papers and using the checklist on the MLA style handout.
- Format: Your paper must be formatted in Microsoft Word, or Rich-Text Format.
- Due Date: Thursday, September 4 in > Personal Narrative.
- The TurnItIn class id and class enrollment password will be announced in class and placed on our Vista homepage.
- Basics
Optional Revision: You have the option to revise your paper. The revised grade will replace the original grade. While revision does not guarantee a better grade or an "A," your grade will not go down, and if you correct your grammar and your MLA style problems, it will definitely go up. Moreover, if you address substantial issues, noted in your first draft assessment, and re-see your paper, your grade will most likely increase. Should you choose to revise, you must include, at the end of the document, a one or two paragraph statement describing what you learned about your first draft from your professor, what stylistic and substantive changes you made in the second draft. Moreover, you must highlight your revisions using your word processing program's text highlighter. Note that Microsoft Works does not have a highlighting function, so you must use Microsoft Word. Optional Draft 2, with revision highlights and revision statement, is due via > Revision 1 on Thursday, September 18.
Paper 2 Summary and Evaluation
In the previous two informal writing assignments, you made initial summaries of authors' arguments, and in the first formal paper, inspired by Leaving Atlanta, you analyzed how an issue affected your life. The goal of the the second formal paper is for you to fully enter into one of the issues in one of the essays we've read in class. Choose an author (Nafisi, Nussbaum, Faludi, Scott, Tannen, Greider) whose argument you wish to either expand upon or refute. In either case, your paper should summarize, fairly and accurately, the author's argument. Evaluate that argument: analyze and criticize, affirm and interrogate, but always be fair to the author's argument. Finally, your paper should provide your own perspective, your own argument (analysis and ideas) by either agreeing with the essay but furthering its point with your own ideas, or disagreeing with the essay and offering counterargument of your own.
- Length: 4-6 pages
- Your paper will be penalized one-third of a letter grade if it does not end at least halfway down on the fourth page while implementing 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1" margins. If it does not end at least halfway down on the third page, it will be penalized two-thirds of a letter grade.
- Style: MLA style
- One-third of a letter grade will be deducted for each of three problems in the following categories, for a possible total penalty of one letter grade: 1) margins, 2) font size/style and line-spacing, and 3) quoting and citing. Before you turn in a formal paper, make sure your work follows MLA style by referring to my FAQ on papers and using the checklist on the MLA style handout.
- Format: Your paper must be formatted in Microsoft Word, or Rich-Text Format.
- Due Dates:
- Draft 1: Tuesday, September 23
- Draft 1 is due to me via > Summary and Evaluation.
- Draft 1 is due to your peer response group via Vista > Assignments > Summary and Evaluation File Exchange - Group #.
- Peer Responses: Tuesday, September 30 (Groups 1, 2, and 3) or Thursday, October 2 (Groups 4 and 5)
- Electronic: Peer Responses are due to me via Vista > Assignments > Summary and Evaluation Peer Response. Be sure to cut and paste all of the responses into one file before submitting them to me.
- Print Out: Peer responses are due to your peers via print out (print out the entire paper and peer response) and, if you wish, Vista > Assignments > Summary and Evaluation File Exchange - Group #.
- Draft 2: Thursday, October 9
- You must include, at the end of the document, a one or two paragraph statement describing what you learned about your first draft from your peers and professor, what stylistic and substantive changes you made in the second draft, and how you re-envisioned your summary and evaluation in the second draft. Moreover, you must highlight your revisions using your word processing program's text highlighter.
- Draft 2, with revision highlights and revision statement, is due to me only via > Summary and Evaluation, Revision 1
- Draft 1: Tuesday, September 23
Paper 3 Analysis and Argument
In the first paper, you used Leaving Atlanta as a catalyst for reflecting upon a major issue in your life; you wrote about yourself. In the second paper, you not only summarized but also evaluated an essay from The New Humanities Reader; you wrote about a text. Now, you will write about the world. Write your own paper, with your own topic, your own thesis, your own argument, albeit one inspired by an issue covered in the course reading. We have discussed parenting and family (Jones), gender and social justice (Farisi, Faludi, Nussbaum, and Scott), education and work (Tannen and Greider), marketing and style (Frontline and Postrel) and violence and globalism (Gladwell, Chua, Kaldor, and Schlosser). First, choose a general topic from the list above, but not the same topic that you covered in your first or second paper. Second, narrow and focus your topic to an issue on which you could write a four-six page analytical argument. Third, write a thesis-driven, well-organized paper that analyzes the issue and makes an argument about it by drawing supporting evidence from one of the articles we've read in class, personal experience, and common knowledge (you do not have to do research for this essay). Your paper should provide good analysis, good reasons/reasoning, and good evidence. Analyze an issue: break it down and explain it. For example, more than simply taking a feminist stand, Susan Faludi analyzes and explains why hazing occurs. Argue an issue: take a stand, make your position known. For example, after analyzing gender injustice, Martha Nussbaum takes a stand on human capabilities. What do our readings inspire you to think about? What specific phenomenon regarding one of the topics we've talked about in the course do you care about? What issue do you want to analyze and argue?
- Length: 4-6 pages
- Your paper will be penalized one-third of a letter grade if it does not end at least halfway down on the fourth page while implementing 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1" margins. If it does not end at least halfway down on the third page, it will be penalized two-thirds of a letter grade.
- Style: MLA style
- One-third of a letter grade will be deducted for each of three problems in the following categories, for a possible total penalty of one letter grade: 1) margins, 2) font size/style and line-spacing, and 3) quoting and citing. Before you turn in a formal paper, make sure your work follows MLA style by referring to my FAQ on papers and using the checklist on the MLA style handout.
- Format: Your paper must be formatted in Microsoft Word, or Rich-Text Format.
- Due Dates:
- Draft 1: Tuesday, October 21
- Draft 1 is due to me via > Analysis and Argument.
- Draft 1 is due to your peer response group via Vista > Assignments >Analysis and Argument File Exchange - Group #.
- Peer Responses: Tuesday, October 28
- Electronic: Peer Responses are due to me via Vista > Assignments > Analysis and Argument Peer Response. Be sure to cut and paste all of the responses into one file before submitting them to me.
- Print Out: Peer responses are due to your peers via print out (print out the entire paper and peer response).
- If you do not bring your completed peer response to class, you will not receive credit.
- Draft 2: Thursday, November 6
- Revision is mandatory. If you do not revise, your grade will be penalized one-third of a letter grade.
- You must include, at the end of the document, a one or two paragraph statement describing what you learned about your first draft from your peers and professor, what stylistic and substantive changes you made in the second draft, and how you re-envisioned your summary and evaluation in the second draft. Moreover, you must highlight your revisions using your word processing program's text highlighter.
- Draft 2, with revision highlights and revision statement, is due to me only via > Argument and Analysis, Revision 1.
- Draft 1: Tuesday, October 21
Paper 4 Research Paper
In the first paper, you reflected upon an issue from Leaving Atlanta that affected your personal experience. In the second paper, you summarized and evaluated an article from The New Humanities Reader. In the third paper, you analyzed and argued an issue you knew about. For the final paper, you will research an idea or an issue that you care about and would like to know more about. There are two options for the research paper.
- Option 1: Pretend you are like a present day Jon Krakauer investigating a person who intrigues you or like a latter day Christopher McCandless searching for self and meaning. What person or issue so cuts and quickens you to the core that you would risk everything to discover her or its fundamental meaning? Research this person, this issue as if your very world view depended on it. If you are researching a person, your paper should not become a biography; rather, it, like Krakauer's Into the Wild, should be an investigation of her key cause, her world view.
- Option 2: Revise and expand your analysis/argument paper by reviewing and incorporating scholarly research into your analysis, and refining your thesis based upon the new information you have read. Your revised paper should be 4-6 pages longer than your original analysis/argument paper; and it must be followed by a one page revision and expansion statement describing how you first regarded the subject before you conducted the research as well as your present understanding of the topic after reading and incorporating the scholarly sources.
Either option requires that you incorporate at least four sources (one scholarly journal article, one book/chapter, one magazine article, one newspaper article) into your analysis. I strongly suggest you clear your topic with me before beginning your paper.
Because you will be submitting only one draft of this paper, it is not only important that you break down the research and writing process into manageable steps but also desireable that you get feedback on your ideas. To that end, you will submit a bibliography as well as an outline, write an informal annotation of a research source, and meet with your professor to discuss your research.
A. Research Question, List of Sources, and Copy of One Journal Article
The first step in a research paper is constructing a solid, guiding research question.
Next, use the library databases to find a number of sources to help you answer your question and analyze your issue. Your preliminary list of sources should be no less than 10, distributed as follows:
- three scholarly journal articles
- three books or book chapters
- two magazine articles
- two newspaper articles
On Thursday, November 20, print out and bring to class your research question, your list of sources (formatted in MLA style), and one scholarly journal article (which you have read and annotated).
B. Individual Conferences
While everyone is reading and annotating research, we'll cancel regular class but hold individual conferences where we can talk about your final paper. Bring your research question, notes, and your working thesis, if you have one, to the meeting, and we'll shape you research and your final paper. All individual conferences will take place in my office, A&S 330. Missing a scheduled conference counts as an absence.
Monday, 11-24 | 4:00 |
Scott Dockery |
4:30 |
Bobby Dunn | |
4:50 |
Katherine Gleaton | |
Tuesday, 11-25 | 12:30 |
Kayla Pippin |
12:45 |
Brenda Bryant | |
1:00 |
Jordan Nave | |
1:15 |
Logan Helmer | |
3:30 |
Aijalon Hardy | |
3:45 |
4:00 |
4:15 |
Jay Wilhoite | |
4:30 |
4:45 |
Kristen Arp | |
Tuesday, 12-2 | 12:30 |
Amanda Moore |
12:45 |
Garrett Korn | |
1:00 |
Andrew Meyers | |
1:15 |
Katherine Kalima | |
3:30 |
Natalie Mosher | |
3:45 |
Tamra Voll | |
4:00 |
Brooke Blackburn | |
4:15 |
Aubrie Sofala | |
4:30 |
Isaac Brown | |
4:45 |
Sean Connolly |
C. Research Paper Thesis and Topic Sentence Outline
After you have constructed a research question, compiled research, and annotated your sources, the next step is to compose a working thesis and an outline of your paper. The more complete your outline is, the better. I recommend including argument and supporting evidence (like quotes) and making as complete of an outline that you can. However, at the very least, this outline, three copies of which are due in class Thursday, December 4, should include your thesis and every topic sentence of your paper.
D. Research Paper Guidelines
- Length:
- Option 1: 6-8 pages
- Option 2: length of Paper 3 Analysis/Argument expanded by 4-6 pages, plus a 1 page revision and expansion statement
- Your paper will be penalized one-third of a letter grade if it does not end at least halfway down on the minimum page limit while implementing 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1" margins. It will be penalizes two-thirds of a letter grade if it is two pages below the minimum.
- Style: MLA style
- One-third of a letter grade will be deducted for each of three problems in the following categories, for a possible total penalty of one letter grade: 1) margins, 2) font size/style and line-spacing, and 3) quoting and citing. Before you turn in a formal paper, make sure your work follows MLA style by referring to my FAQ on papers and using the checklist on the MLA style handout.
- Format: Your paper must be formatted in Microsoft Word 1997-2003, Microsoft Word 2007, or Rich-Text Format.
- Due Dates:
- Research Question, List of Sources, and Copy of One Journal Article: Thursday, November 20
- Print outs of question, list, and article are due in class. Failure to bring printout will result in a one-third letter grade penalty on the final paper.
- Research Paper Thesis and Topic Sentence Outline Due: Thursday, December 4
- Bring three copies of your thesis and outline to class. Failure to do so will result in a one-third letter grade penalty on the final paper.
- Final Research Paper: Tuesday, December 9
- The one and only draft is due to me only via TurnItIn > Research Paper by Tuesday, December 9.
- If I do not receive or cannot open your paper, I will send an email Wednesday morning. If I still do not receive or cannot open your paper by Thursday, December 11, you will automatically fail the course.
- Research Question, List of Sources, and Copy of One Journal Article: Thursday, November 20
- Grades, Comments, and Paper Return:
- You can access your final grade in the course via MyCats after Wednesday, December 17.
- If you want comments, please ask for them. I will not return papers of those who do not request feedback. If you do request comments, you can access your graded paper in Vista > Assignments > Research Paper after Wednesday, December 17.