Frequently Asked Questions

This page offers a set of answers to frequently asked questions regarding plagiarism, attendance, assigned readings in GeorgiaVIEW, submitting assignments in GeorgiaVIEW, retrieving graded assignments in GeorgiaVIEW, MLA style, research methods, and course grades. Additionally, this page clarifies paper formats, technology issues, and attendance policy.


Q: How is plagiarism treated in your classes?

A: Since 2004, I have caught 33 plagiarists.

8 composition students earned "D-"s on revised and resubmitted papers.

1 student failed the assignment.

1 student earned a "D" in the course, forcing her to retake it.

23 students (4 of whom were graduating seniors) failed the course.

1 student filed an appeal and lost.

1 student was suspended.

1 student was expelled.


Q: Where do I find my attendance record?

A: Here.


Q: An assigned reading on the online syllabus schedule links to GeorgiaVIEW. What does this mean?

A: The assigned reading is available in GeorgiaVIEW's Content Browser under the title Electronic Course Reserves. Click here for more information.


Q: Where and how do I submit an assignment electronically?

A: Submit assignments to GeorgiaVIEW using this handout.


Q: Where and how do I retrieve a graded assignment?

A: Grades for assignments submitted on paper are returned on paper. Grades for electronically submitted assignments are posted in GeorgiaVIEW; use this handout as a guide.


Q: How should my formal papers and take-home exams be formatted?

A: MLA Style.


Q: How do I research a paper for this class?

A: Follow this handout.


Q: How do I calculate my final grade in the course?

A: Use this spreadsheet.


