English 4665/5665: American Literature from 1920-Present, Fall 2012
Section 01: MW 5:30-6:45PM, Arts & Sciences 368
Dr. Alex E. Blazer 478.445.0964 |
Office Hours: MW 1:00-1:50PM and 4:55-5:25PM A&S 330
The undergraduate course catalog describes English 4665 as "A study of selected American works from 1920 to the present, emphasizing literary modernism and post-modernism." This course's Academic Assessment page, amended by unanimous departmental vote on 9 March 2012 and awaiting electronic update, describes our topics:
- 20th-century aesthetics, such as modernism, expressionism and/or post-modernism;
- 20th-century philosophical and ideological perspectives, such as Marxism and feminism;
- 20th-century American literary movements and groups, such as the Modernists and Imagism, the Fugitives and New Criticism, the Harlem Renaissance and the Beats;
- Key texts by significant, representative 20th-century American writers, such as Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, Ralph Ellison, Joseph Heller and Toni Morrison.
as well as course outcomes:
- Distinguish the ideologies and aesthetics that have shaped fiction in the twentieth century;
- Evaluate the literary significance of certain representative writers of American fiction in the 20th century, as well as certain influential texts;
- Articulate written critical argument that requires analytical close reading of modern fiction.
In this particular section, we will survey four genres of postmodern literature: creative non-fiction by Mailer and Monson; fiction by Acker, Barth, Butler, Danielewski, Roth, and Wallace; poetry by Ashbery, Mackey, Retallack, and Waldrop; and drama by Albee, Hwang, Owens, Parks, and Shepard. Undergraduate students will write a literary biography, a close reading paper, a comparison/contrast paper, a research paper, and an exam; graduate students will write a book review, a comparison/contrast paper, a research paper, and an exam as well as give a presentation. This course counts towards area 1.B in the major program for a B.A. in English, Literature Concentration, and area 3.B in the major program for a B.A. in English, Creative Writing Concentration. This course's prerequisite is ENGL 2110 or IDST 2305, or permission of the instructor.
required (Amazon or GCSU Bookstore)
Acker, Empire of the Senseless
Ashbery, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
Baker, The Mezzanine
Butler, Kindred
Hwang, M. Butterfly
Mackey, Splay Anthem
Mailer, The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History
Monson, Vanishing Point: Not a Memoir
Retallack, Memnoir
Roth, The Ghost Writer
Waldrop, Curves to the Apple
Wallace, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
required (online)
various stories and articles
recommended (Amazon or GCSU Bookstore)
Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed.
Assignments and Grade Distribution
4665 Undergraduate Students
literary biography, 5%
You will write a 3-4 page literary biography explaining the general issues and themes of a writer's opus as well as posing particular questions for class discussion.
close reading paper and presentation, 20%
You will pair up to write a 5-6 page close reading paper and 5-7 minute presentation analyzing a key passage in a single work of literature.
comparison/contrast paper, 25%
You will write a 5-6 page paper comparing and contrasting two works of literature.
research paper, 25%
You will write an 8-10 page research paper exploring a key issue or theme in a single work of literature or across two or three works of literature.
take home exam, 25%
You will write a 10-12 page take home exam comparing and contrasting ideas and issues in the work of postmodernist authors. Here's how to calculate your final grade.
5665 Graduate Students
presentation, 10%
You will teach a scholarly criticism on a work of literature we're reading.
book review, 15%
You will write a 4-5 page book review of a monograph on postmodern literature.
comparison/contrast paper, 15%
You will write a 6-7 page paper comparing and contrasting two works of literature, one of which is not covered in class.
research paper, 30%
You will write a 12-15 page research paper exploring a key issue or theme in a single work of literature and present your paper to the class.
take home exam, 30%
You will write a 12-14 page take home exam comparing and contrasting ideas in the work of postmodernist authors. Here's how to calculate your final grade.
Class Preparation and Participation
I expect you to come to class having read, annotated, and reviewed the assigned reading. Moreover, you should prepare at least two comments and two questions for each reading. We're going to be working with challenging texts; therefore, we'll all benefit from sharing our ideas and questions. If I feel that you're not participating because you're not keeping up with the reading, I will give quizzes.
Office Hours and Email
I encourage you to stop by my office hours to discuss any aspect of the course. I'm happy to answer minor questions such as due dates over email, but I prefer face-to-face conversations for more substantive topics like papers and exams. Please use etiquette in both email and in person.
We will be using GeorgiaVIEW and TurnItIn for assignments. Check your university email for course-related messages. Use an online backup or cloud storage service such as Dropbox to save your work.
Any student who misses seven or more classes for any reason (excused or unexcused) will automatically failure of the course. There will be a one letter final grade deduction for every unexcused absence beyond three. I suggest you use your three days both cautiously and wisely; and make sure you sign the attendance sheets. Habitual tardies, consistently leaving class early, texting, and surfing the internet will be treated as absences. Unexcused absences include work, family obligations, and scheduled doctor's appointments. Excused absences include a death in one's immediate family, one's own medical emergency, religious observance, and participation in a college-sponsored activity. If you have a medical condition or an extracurricular activity that you anticipate will cause you to miss more than four days of class, I suggest you drop this section or risk failure. You can check your attendance online. A note about religious observances: Students are permitted to miss class in observance of religious holidays and other activities observed by a religious group of which the student is a member without academic penalty. Exercising of one's rights under this policy is subject to the GC Honor Code. Students who miss class in observance of a religious holiday or event are required to make up the coursework missed as a result from the absence. The nature of the make-up assignments and the deadline for completion of such assignments are at the sole discretion of the instructor. Failure to follow the prescribed procedures voids all student rights under this policy. The full policy and prescribed procedures can be found here.
MLA Style and Length Requirements
While in-class exams, discussion board responses, informal/journal writing, and peer review may be informally formatted, formal assignments and take-home exams must adhere to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. One-third of a letter grade will be deducted from a formal paper or take-home exam for problems in each of the following three categories, for a possible one letter grade deduction total: 1) header, heading, and title, 2) margins, font, and line-spacing, and 3) quotation and citation format. A formal paper or take-home exam will be penalized one-third of a letter grade if it does not end at least halfway down on the minimum page length while implementing 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and 1" margins. Each additional page short of the minimum requirement will result in an a one-third letter grade penalty. Before you turn in a formal paper, make sure your work follows MLA style by using the checklist on the MLA style handout. I encourage students to use my MS Word template.
Late Assignments
There will be a one letter assignment grade deduction per day (not class period) for any assignment that is turned in late. I give short extensions if you request one for a valid need at least one day before the assignment is due. I will inform you via email if I cannot open an electronically submitted assignment; however, your assignment will be considered late until you submit it in a file I can open. Failing to submit an assignment that is worth 15% or more of the course grade within a five days of its due date will result in automatic failure of the course. Failing to submit a final exam or final paper within two days of its due date will result in automatic failure of the course.
Academic Honesty
The integrity of students and their written and oral work is a critical component of the academic process. The Honor Code defines plagiarism as "presenting as one's own work the words or ideas of an author or fellow student. Students should document quotes through quotation marks and footnotes or other accepted citation methods. Ignorance of these rules concerning plagiarism is not an excuse. When in doubt, students should seek clarification from the professor who made the assignment." The submission of another's work as one's own is plagiarism and will be dealt with using the procedures outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog. Allowing another student to copy one’s own work is considered cheating; and submitting the same paper in two classes (recycling or double-dipping) is dishonest. As plagiarism is not tolerated at GCSU, any student found guilty of substantial, willful plagiarism or dishonesty will fail the assignment and the course. Click here to see how I have dealt with plagiarists in the past. This course uses plagiarism prevention technology, The papers may be retained by the service for the sole purpose of checking for plagiarized content in future student submissions.
Passing or Failing of the Course
There are three ways to fail the course: 1) failing to regularly attend class, 2) plagiarizing, 3) failing an assignment that is worth 15% or more of the course grade, be it from poor quality, lateness of submission, or a combination of poor quality and lateness. By contrast, students who regularly attend class, complete their work with academic integrity, and submit assignments on time will pass the course.
Assistance for Student Needs Related to Disability
If you have a disability as described by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, you may be eligible to receive accommodations to assist in programmatic and physical accessibility. Disability Services, a unit of the GCSU Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, can assist you in formulating a reasonable accommodation plan and in providing support in developing appropriate accommodations to ensure equal access to all GCSU programs and facilities. Course requirements will not be waived, but accommodations may assist you in meeting the requirements. For documentation requirements and for additional information, we recommend that you contact Disability Services located in Lanier Hall at 478-445-5931 or 478-445-4233.
The Writing Center
The Writing Center is a free service available to all members of the university community. Consultants assist writers in the writing process, from conception and organization of compositions to revision to documentation of research. Located in Lanier Hall 209, the Center is open Monday through Friday. Call 445-3370 or email for more information.
Fire Drills
Fire drills will be conducted annually. In the event of a fire alarm, students will exit the building in a quick and orderly manner through the nearest hallway exit. Learn the floor plan and exits of the building. Do not use elevators. If you encounter heavy smoke, crawl on the floor so as to gain fresh air. Assist disabled persons and others if possible without endangering your own life. Assemble for a head count on the front lawn of main campus or other designated assembly area. For more information on other emergencies, click here.
Student Opinion Surveys
Given the technological sophistication of Georgia College students, the student opinion survey is being delivered through an online process. Your constructive feedback plays an indispensable role in shaping quality education at Georgia College. All responses are completely confidential and your name is not stored with your responses in any way. In addition, instructors will not see any results of the opinion survey until after final grades are submitted to the University. An invitation to complete the online opinion survey is distributed to students near the end of the semester. Your participation in this very important process is greatly appreciated.
This schedule is subject to change, so check back in class and online for possible revisions.
From Modernism to Postmodernism Lecture Daffy Duck in Hollywood (1938) |
Creative Non-Fiction 1 Mailer, The Armies of the Night, 1-132 (1968) Definitions, "Postmodernism" [GeorgiaVIEW, hereafter GAV] |
Mailer, The Armies of the Night, 133-288 Hassan, "Toward a Concept of Postmodernism" (1987) [GAV] |
Fiction Barth, "Lost in the Funhouse" (1967) [GAV] Roth, The Ghost Writer, 1-74 (1979) |
Roth, The Ghost Writer, 75-180 Connor, "Postmodernism and Literature" (1997) [GAV] |
Butler, Kindred, 1-188 (1979) |
No Class: Labor Day |
Butler, Kindred, 189-287 Lewis, "Postmodernism and Fiction" (2005) [GAV] |
Baker, The Mezzanine, 1-70 (1988) |
Baker, 71-135 |
Acker, Empire of the Senseless, 1-108 (1988) |
Acker, Empire of the Senseless, 109-227 Redding, "Bruises, Roses: Masochism and the Writing of Kathy Acker" [GAV] |
Coover, "The Babysitter" (1969) [GAV] Pynchon, "Entropy" (1984) [GAV] |
Wallace, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, 1-160 (1999) |
Wallace, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, 161-321 |
Poetry Ashbery, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror (1975) |
No Class: Fall Break |
Ashbery, concluded Adelmann, "The Pose of Imposture: Ashbery's 'Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror'" [GAV] |
Waldrop, Curves to the Apple, 1-100 (1987/1999) Perelman, "Language Writing and Literary History" [GAV] |
Waldrop, Curves to the Apple, 101-95 |
Retallack, Memnoir, all (2004) Perloff, "The Changing Face of Common Intercourse: Talk Poetry, Talk Show, and the Scene of Writing" [GAV] Undergraduate Comparison or Research Paper Due |
Mackey, Splay Anthem, 1-54 (2006) |
Drama Albee, The Zoo Story (1959) [GAV] Albee, The Sandbox (1960) [GAV] Fortier, "Postmodern Theory" (2003) [GAV] |
Shepard, Action (1975) [GAV] Shepard, Savage/Love (1981) [GAV] |
Hwang, M. Butterfly, all (1988) Schmidt, "The Postmodern Condition of Theatre" (2005) [GAV] |
Hwang, concluded Shin, "Projected Bodies in David Henry Hwang's M. Butterfly and Golden Gate" [GAV] |
Owens, Emma Instigated Me (1976) [GAV] Parks, In the Blood (2000) [GAV] Angus, "Metadrama, Authority, and the Roots of Incredulity" (2008) [GAV] |
Creative Non-Fiction 2 Monson, Vanishing Point, 1-92 (2010) |
No Class: Thanksgiving |
Monson, Vanishing Point, 93-191 |