
English 4900 Seminar of Language & Literature, Spring 2018

TR 2:00-3:15 p.m., Arts & Sciences 340A

Critical Approaches Essays

The two critical approach essays are designed to review your understanding of the various systems of interpreting literature, and they will help the class look at our literary works in multiple ways. Your essay should interpret the literary text using the questions and tenets of your chosen methodology. Include at least one theoretical source (i.e., an article of theory) and two interpretive sources (i.e., a scholarly journal article or book chapter that interprets the primary text). Attach to the paper (but not part of the page range) a 5-10 point list of the critical approach's key tenets for interpreting literature. In addition to submitting the written paper, you will also read the paper and critical approach tenet list to the class in order to get feedback on your paper as well as to broach class discussion of the text.


You may use any of the approaches below to interpret the work of literature; let your professor know of the approach you plan to use one week before the due date. You should not use the same approach in both essays, and you should consult with the other student who is scheduled to interpret the literary work to make sure that you employ different approaches.


Sign Up

Oral Due Date

Text and Assignment


T, 2-6

Marlowe, Literary Period

Sami Strickland

Marlowe, Critical Approach

Abby Bishop (existentialism)

R, 2-8

Marlowe, Critical Approach

Bailey Freeman (structuralism)

T, 2-20

Wordsworth, Literary Period

Allie Owens

Wordsworth, Critical Approach

Sami Strickland (feminism)

R, 2-22

Coleridge, Critical Approach

Allie Owens (ecocriticism)

R, 3-1

Thoreau, Literary Period

Olivia Julian

Thoreau, Critical Approach


T, 3-6

Thoreau, Critical Approach

Abby Bishop (structuralism)

T, 3-13

Chopin, Literary Period

Bailey Freeman

Chopin, Critical Approach

Megan Ray

R, 3-15

Chopin, Critical Approach

Olivia Julian (feminism)

T, 3-27

Joyce, Literary Period

Megan Ray

Joyce, Critical Approach

Bailey Freeman (psychoanalysis)

R, 3-29

Joyce, Critical Approach

Olivia Julian

T, 4-10

Hughes, Literary Period

Abby Bishop

R, 4-12

Hughes, Critical Approach

(you may submit your Research Paper Draft on Sunday, 4-15)

Allie Owens

R, 4-19

DeLillo, Literary Period


DeLillo, Critical Approach

Sami Strickland

T, 4-24

DeLillo, Critical Approach

Megan Ray

R, 4-26

Research Presentations

Bailey Freeman

Megan Ray

T, 5-1

Research Presentations

Olivia Julian

Sami Strickland

R, 5-3

Research Presentations

Abby Bishop

Allie Owens

Literary Period Project

While the critical approaches essays requires you to review the various ways too interpret literature, the literary period project compels you to review the major literary periods and authors'/texts' place within those periods.

Annotated Bibliography

Research the literary period of your assigned author and text, and compile a 10-source annotated bibliography, composed of 1) a mix of 5-7 scholarly journal articles, book chapters, and books that conceptualize, describe, and frame the literary period and 2) a mix of 3-5 scholarly journal articles, book chapters, and books that argue the literary text and/or author's place within the literary period. Each annotation should be approximately 100 words long.

As a review, here's how to conduct literary research at our university.


Your 15 minute audiovisual presentation should not only convey the research in your annotated bibliography (you could share annotations, for instance), but also synthesize the research by making your own informed claims about the period and the author's and text's place within the period.


Sign Up

The combined critical approaches, literary project, and research presentation sign up sheet is here.

Research Project

Over the course of the semester, you will expand a short, non-research essay from a previous class into an 18-20 page research paper and 15 minute presentation.

First Research Project Workshop

The first stage of the research project will be to select an essay to expand. Choose two short essays from former classes that do not include research and post them to GeorgiaVIEW > Course Work > Discussions > Research Project Selection by Sunday, February 11 (failure to submit on time will result in a one-third letter grade deduction for the final research project grade). Read your group members' short essays before class on Tuesday, February 13 and prepare to give them ideas for revision, research, and expansion. During the Tuesday's Research Project Workshop, groups will share ideas for revision, research, and expansion.


Here are the groups:

Research Project Conference

After the Research Project Workshop, writers will 1) choose an essay, 2) compose a paragraph or two long research, revision, and expansion strategy, and 3) submit that plan to GeorgiaVIEW > Course Work > Assignments > Research Project Conference by Sunday, February 25 (failure to submit on time will result in a one-third letter grade deduction for the final research project grade). Instead of class on Tuesday, February 27, you will meet your professor for 15 minutes to discuss your research project plan.





Sami Strickland




Olivia Julian


Megan Ray


Allie Owens


Bailey Freeman


Abby Bishop



Annotated Bibliography

The annotated bibliography for your research project is due in GeorgiaVIEW > Course Work > Assignments > Annotated Bibliography on Thursday, April 5. (Failure to submit the annotated bibliography on time will result in a one-third letter grade deduction for the final research project.) In addition to adhering to MLA style and being formatted in Microsoft Word, your bibliography should include 10 scholarly sources (a mixture of book chapters and journal articles) and each annotation should be approximately 100 words long. You will receive feedback on your bibliography approximately one week after submission, which you can use to revise the bibliography for final, graded submission during on Wednesday, May 9.

Second Research Project Workshop

On Thursday, April 12, the first draft of your research paper is due in two places: GeorgiaVIEW > Course Work > Discussions > Research Paper Draft (for your peer group) and GeorgiaVIEW > Course Work > Assignments > Research Project Paper Draft (for your professor). Your draft must be at least 9-10 pages long not including the Works Cited page, adhere to MLA style, and be formatted in Microsoft Word (Failure to submit the draft of sufficient length on time will result in a one-third letter grade deduction for the final research project.) Group members will read the papers before class on Tuesday, April 17 and provide feedback during the workshop session.


Here are the groups:

Research Presentations

Your 15 minute audiovisual presentation should not only convey the research in your annotated bibliography but also share your informed interpretation and research-supported analysis of your topic. The combined critical approaches, literary project, and research presentation sign up sheet is here.

Research Paper and Annotated Bibliography

The final 18-20 page research paper as well as the final 10 source annotated bibliography are due in GeorgiaVIEW > Course Work > Assignments > Research Project on Wednesday, May 9.

Career Preparation Portfolio

In order to prepare for the job, internship, or graduate school search, you will create a portfolio of writing: resumes and cover letters for jobs and internships or a curriculum vita and statement of purpose for graduate school. Writing will be workshopped in class and reviewed by the Career Center. Also, you will be required to attend a mock interview through the Career Center.

Resume or Curriculum Vita

Use the OWL at Purdue and guest speaker Pam Santamaria's January 30 Career Center packet for suggestions on how to write your Resumes and Vitas.

Job or Internship Cover Letter or Graduate School Statement of Purpose

Use the OWL at Purdue and guest speaker Pam Santamaria's Career Center January 30 presentation and packet for suggestions on how to write your job cover letter or statement of purpose.

Mock Interview