According to the Aim & Scope Supplement, Fellows teaching English 1101 and 1102 for the first time must use the common reader and rhetoric selected by the Textbook Adoption Committee. The Coordinator places the fall 1101 book order for the Fellows, but instructors make the spring 1101 book order themselves using the instructions below.
Fellows teaching English 1101 and 1102 for the second time may adopt their own readers and rhetorics subject to Coordinator approval. There are a number of ways to examine textbooks for possible adoption:
- Textbook Library: The Coordinator has dozens of textbooks for you to borrow.
- CourseSmart: This site has electronic examination copies from most of the college publishers.
- Publisher's Website: Request an examination copy from the publisher's website by either filling out a form or contacting GCSU's textbook representative.
- Book Fair: Bedford/St. Martin's and Pearson visit the department approximately once per year.
Exam Copies vs Desk Copies: An exam copy is for a textbook that you may use; a desk copy is for a book that you have already adopted through the bookstore. Make your intentions clear with publishers.
- Maymester and Summer: March 15
- Fall: April 15
- Spring: October 15
Directions for registering and ordering textbooks are listed below. You must complete the registration process first.
1. Go to http://www.gcsu.bkstr.com for both undergraduate and graduate courses.
On the left side of the site, you will see a heading that says "Faculty Services".
2. Click on "Online Adoptions"
Logging in:
3. Returning users may login here. New users please proceed to step 4.
- If you have placed edoptions before, type in your e-mail & password,
- click the login button. Proceed to step 5.
- If you have already registered but have never placed an edoption, enter your e-mail address and password, and click on the login button. On the edoptions page type 1130 in password field and click on the go button. Proceed to step 5.
4. New users will need to register.
- Click the register button and enter the required information. Enter email address and create password. There is no need to fill in shipping or billing information. It is not necessary on this campus. For addresses, you can simply use your building name with an office or departmental phone number.Click on the “Create Account” button.
- On the edoptions page, type in the store supplied password 1130 in the password field, and click on GO. Proceed to step 5.
Placing your edoption:
5. For new edoptions, click on “Create New Edoption” and go to step 6. To look at previously placed edoptions to make changes or just see what you used in other terms, click on “Search to Renew/Edit Prior Edoptions”. Select your name from the drop down menu.
6. Fill in course information in appropriate fields.
7. Click on "Add Textbook or Course Materials" at the bottom of the page
- a. Add books by entering ISBN or searching by Author and Title.
- b. Click next to the correct title; then click “Complete Add/Edit Course Materials”
8. When you have finished adding books, click on "Done Adding Materials" to return to previous screen and click “Complete Add/Edit Course Materials”. You will immediately receive an edoption number. Within an hour, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your edoption may not have gone through. Please contact the bookstore to confirm this.
***Note: Under "Additional Comments / Notification > Send Additional Notifications To" input the Department Secretary, Melinda Martin, melinda.martin@gcsu.edu as well as the Coordinator of the Teaching Fellows, Alex Blazer, alex.blazer@gcsu.edu.